One of the recent Sundays was spent experiencing different ways to pray. These all can be incorporated with discipleship practices. 

There isn't one set list of discipleship practices but that list can include: (A great resource is the book Power Surge by Michael Foss)
1. prayer
2. reading scripture
3. serving others
4. giving up our time and talents
5. worship

There are also several ways to do each of these. During the education hour on one of the Sundays, there were prayer stations to choose from. One symbolized our baptism. You could confess your sins to a rock, which also has imperfections, and then submerge it into water, just as we all have been submerged and forgiven of our sins through baptism. Another station was a place to read different Psalms. This is a way to incorporate reading scripture into prayer. Another station had a world map with the idea that we can pray for others around the world. Another station had a simple candle. Lighting a candle for each person you pray for symbolizes God's light shining for each individual. Finally, the last station had paper and crayons. Here, you could pray in color by drawing pictures of what you are praying for. 

Again, these are only examples...there are many other types of prayer and other discipleship practices that exist. Start exploring! After all, discipleship journeys are not destinations. 
We recently talked about Mindfulness and how important it is to stay connected with just living. 
How much do you pay attention to your surroundings or pay attention to what you are specifically doing each day? Don't forget to use all of your senses and explore how you can just do one task at a time rather than constantly multi-tasking. (One of the youth called it "uni-tasking.")

As Leena showed us at the beginning of the discussion, try really enjoying your next meal. Sit down, clear your mind, put away your cell phone, turn off the TV, and use all of your senses to really enjoy your meal, even if it is with other people. Really live in that moment and be mindful of what you are doing at that specific point in time. Then, expand on that experience to try to be more mindful at other times in your life. 

Perhaps prayer is a good way to start being Mindful. As we discussed during our group time, prayer is

Leena talks to us about healthcare!

                Documentary called “Escape Fire”—watched the trailer

 It’s going to take nontraditional ideas to fix what’s broken in our healthcare system. We spend $300 billion annually on pharmaceutical medications for diseases: most of which can be prevented.

Youth find it difficult to believe that there’s a quota of patients that doctors have to see, nurse practitioners have to put into hospice, and police that have to write tickets.

“healthcare as an industry” was a term used in the trailer and the youth had a lot to say about that phrase